Friday, September 21, 2012

7 Weeks to Go!

That's right! In exactly 7 weeks, we will be heading to Ft. Benning to see our men graduate (knock on wood). And, in 1 week, they will be getting their 8 hour pass!

Really, if you look at this time as 3 separate 3 week chunks, it's much easier to digest than "oh my gosh, 9 weeks?!"

Does anyone have any plans for this weekend to take their mind off of the lonely time? I'm planning on going to Fort Worth/Dallas to hang out with some old college girlfriends, and I am so excited about it! I haven't seen these ladies in nearly 4 months, and that is just simply too long.

49 days until graduation... 7 days until their pass!


Unknown said...

Aaagh. Accidentally deleted my long comment. So you get this one!

Yaaaay! We're 1/4 of the way finished!

Have fun in Dallas!!!! /FW. Pass on a hello for me, will ya?

I have some super duper exciting plans this weekend. Involving a pumpkin to decorate, a bottle of wine, and a fascinating post-Soviet Russia read.

Sooo exciting. But I haven't had girl time in a long time, so I'm living it up.

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